Monday, March 23, 2009
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Riches Await as Earth's Icy North Melts
According to the article, many countries are competing for oil, fish, diamonds and shipping routes, but the problem now is the climate has become hotter faster than before so that is dangerous for wildlife and population. Huge amounts of natural sources are still undiscovered until now; this is the main reason for governments and big companies to compete with each other. The Arctic is already controlled by companies and they use high technology to reach the oil undersea. At the current time petroleum companies develop technologies to explore natural materials and they hope to find them. Some huge companies fight for the areas which have the resources without any care about the future of the earth. They just think about the profit. The ice is one of the obstacles that faces some companies, for ship’s movement, so they want another way to solve this problem. The ice is melting more than before and fish move to another place and the level of the fish in the sea is reducing.
Main Idea:-
The money is not everything in the life; our planet has a lot natural resources and we can extract them perfectly if the countries work as one and the same thing with finding ways for ships. The global warming is playing a big role in this case so the problem is not only the countries, it is also the climate.
In my point of view, the article is quite good but the writer gives us much about countries. The writer says “Just a few years ago, reports said it would take 100 years for the ice to melt, but recent studies say it could happen in 10-15 years”; I think this is not right; the information might be wrong because there is a big difference between 100 to 10 or 15 years. If 100 years all this generation will die and the 10 years is too short a period so I think this information is not accurate.
Task 3 : An inconvenient truth

The movie is presented by Al Gore, 45th vice president of the US, and he got an Oscar award in 2007; he has great character.
The movie is about the source of global warming; it is presented with high technologies by using wide projector screen with nice graphical charts and highly organized events that make the movie easy to understand.
I learned several things and facts with numbers, the temperature of the earth is increasing faster than before; the reasons are traffic, population growing and many other things.
We can reduce this risk by using the new technology such as green technologies.
Big industrial countries such as USA, China, UK and Japan are playing main role in this case.
The companies have to think about the future not just profits.
At the end of the movie they show us a really wonderful thing which is methods about how we reduce the emissions.
Monday, March 2, 2009
Task 2 : Introdaction of Global Warming
There are many causes of this problem. The main problem is carbon dioxide from cars, planes, and factories; it affects the ozone layer so the temperature is increasing. That is basically the cause of global warming.
I think we have to take care about this problem to help future generations, but to be honest it is very hard to even reduce the carbon emissions because the main goal of most companies is the money without thinking about what will happen in the future and the solution will be impossible if the big companies and governments don’t cooperate with each other.